Admission Criteria
This Quantum Devices training is intended for students who have validated the equivalent of 60 ECTS of a master’s degree in physics, materials sciences, engineering sciences, applied physics in France or abroad and for students from higher education schools (Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale, Ecole d’Ingénieurs, etc.). Classes are taught completely in English.
Application procedure. EEA citizens
For citizens of the European Economic Area:
Submit the application file on the e-Candidat platform of the Université Paris Cité before the end of June and send a copy to:
Maria Luisa DELLA ROCCA (Master Head of teaching)
Master Physique et Application – Parcours ” Dispositifs Quantiques”
Université Paris Cité
Bâtiment Condorcet case 7021
8ème étage – bureau 806B
10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
75205 PARIS CEDEX 13, France
Stessy MONDONGUE (Master Administrative manager)
Master Physique et Application – Parcours ” Dispositifs Quantiques”
Université Paris Cité
Bâtiment Condorcet case 7008
3ème étage – bureau 318A
10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
75205 PARIS CEDEX 13, France
The complete application must include:
- CV
- Transcripts of previous academic years
- letters of recommendation
- cover letter
- description of any internship experiences
Application procedure. Non-EEA citizens
If you live in one of the countries listed below you pass through the CEF registration procedure:
Algeria Argentina Benin Brazil Burkina Faso Cameroon Canada Chile China Colombia Congo (Brazzaville) Cote d’Ivoire Gabon Guinea India Japan Lebanon Madagascar Mali Marocco Mauritius Mexico Senegal Russia South Korea Syria Taiwan Tunisia Turkey USA Vietnam.
This is an organism that allows candidates for studies in France to benefit from support and advice for all their procedures up to the visa application and to follow the progress of their candidature.
The candidate opens an account from the CampusFrance website in his country of residence and follows a dematerialized procedure which allows him to formulate training requests and to dialogue with the CampusFrance Space in his country and with the establishments from which he requests a pre-registration, as a part of a Prior Admission Request (DAP) or not.
Please note, the deadlines for the campus France procedure are anticipated compared to those for the national application procedure. Contact Campus Francde as soon as possible!
If your country does not belong to the list, you can apply directly to the establishment by sending your application by e-mail or by post.