The Master Quantum Devices is a training course “for research through research“.
In this spirit, exchanges with the main players in research are favored through the organization of laboratory visits and thematic seminars. In addition, a fundamental place is given to experience in the quantum field through two dedicated teaching units. The Experimental Projects allow students to train in clean room techniques in order to produce electronic or photonic devices whose physical properties are explored (nano-antenna networks, graphene-based or TMD-based nano-transitors, optical microcavities, etc.). The QuanTech projects, new teaching unit of the 2025/26 academic year, give students the opportunity to explore in more detail new themes related to quantum information technologies (NV centers manipulation, quantum entanglement, quantum computing, etc.). These projects make it possible to implement the concepts studied in courses dedicated to the second-generation quantum technologies, such as the quantum information and quantum communication teaching units.
Thanks to this versatile training that is both theoretical and applied, students will be able to quickly integrate both a public research organization (after a PhD) and an industrial Research and Development group. Various industrial laboratories are directly associated with the training (Thales, ONERA, CEA, etc.).
1st semester | 2nd semester | ||
September | Projets in Nanosciences | March - June | Internship |
January - February | Lectures | Beginning of January | Exams |
October - December | Lectures | ||
End of February | Exams | ||
End of December (before Xmas holidays) | Exams |
The training includes modules introducing the fundamental concepts and tools of photonics and quantum electronics in condensed matter, cutting-edge analysis instruments (electron microscopy, STM, AFM, etc.), and a broad overview of quantum devices and low-dimensional materials. More specialized courses are offered in the second semester, ranging from spintronics to quantum communication and computing, etc.
Throughout the year, students can participate in introductory seminars on current research topics given by researchers from public and/or industrial laboratories.
This training is also based on the continuous interaction between students and research teams in the field of quantum devices through the Experimental Projects at the beginning of the academic year and the QuanTech Projects at the end of the academic year, guided laboratory tours, and the end-of-studies internship in a public or industrial laboratory.
The training is entirely in English.
Quantum Theory of Materials | 6 | Quantum Computing: algorithms and hardware | 3 |
Quantum Theory of Light | 3 | Quantum communication: ressources and protocols | 3 |
Quantum Devices : - Photonics - Electronics | 3 3 | Nanomagnetism and spintronics devices | 3 |
Low dimensional materials: - 2D Materials - Nano-objets at the atomic scale | 3 3 | QuanTech Projects | 3 |
Experimental projects: from clean room fabrication to device physics | 6 | Internship | 18 |
Revisions: Fundamentals of solid state physics Lab visits QuanTech seminars | 3 |
Quantum Theory of Materials
Christophe Voisin (PR UPC, LPENS)
Alain Sacuto (PR UPC, MPQ)
Francesca Carosella (MCF UPC, LPENS)
Francesco sirotti (DR CNRS, LSI Ecole Ploytechnique)
Part 1
Fundamentals of solid state physics:
Band structure and Bloch theorem
Density of states
Effective mass
Overview of phonons
Envelope function approximation
Electron – phonon interaction: weak coupling regime
Fermi golden rule
Rabi oscillations
Importance of energy loss in opto-electronic devices
Electron – phonon interaction: strong coupling regime
Polarons in quantum dots
Energy relaxation within polaron framework
Part 2
Optical absorption in a bulk material
Direct absorption, indirect absorption, selection rules
Optical absorption in a quantum well
Interband and intraband transitions
Type I and type II quantum wells, superlattice
Excitonic effects
Optical emission in bulk materials and quantum wells
Einstein coefficients
Different kinds of experience: electroluminescence, photoluminescence, excitation spectroscopy, time-resolved photoluminescence
Effect of an external electric field on heterostructure electronic states and optical properties
Effect of an external magnetic field on heterostructure electronic states and optical properties
Examples of problem class:
Density of states and energy states calculation in various kind of heterostructures
Determination of electrons lifetime in presence of phonons
Calculation of absorption coefficient in a bulk material
Optical absorption in a quantum well
Landau levels and magnetoabsorption
Quantum Theory of Light
Teachers :
Cristiano Ciuti (PR UPC, MPQ)
Loic Lanco (PR UPC, C2N)
Semi-classical theory of light-matter interaction
Free particle of Spin 1/2
Jauge invariance of Schroedinger equation ; Pauli Hamiltonian
Semiclassical theory of light – matter interaction
Electron-field interaction and Fermi golden rule ; transition rate
Quantum nature of light: photons
Fock space
Operators : electric field, momentum, photon number
The Casimir effect
Special states of the electromagnetic field : coherent states, squeezed states
Photon emission and absorption
Hamiltonian electron-photon; revisiting the Fermi golden rule
Spontaneous and stimulated emission
Natural linewidth
Dipolar electric emission
Diffusion of a photon from an atom
Quantum Devices: Photonics
Teachers :
Angela Vasanelli (PR UPC, LPENS)
Carlo Sirtori (PR ENS, LPENS)
Basics of semiconductor physics:
Electrons in solids: wavefunctions, band structures, effective mass
Statistics of semiconductors: Fermi-Dirac, semi-classical approximation, free-carrier density
Semiconductor doping: donors and acceptors, temperature regimes
Optical absorption: matrix element and absorption coefficient in direct-bandgap semiconductors, joint density of states, phonons and absorption in indirect-bandgap semiconductors
Non-radiative recombination
Basics of semiconductor devices:
Transport in semiconductors: diffusion and conductivity, Drude and Boltzmann
Quasi-neutral approximation: rate equations in doped semiconductors, minority-carrier evolution, application to photocarrier injection and surface recombination
p-n junctions: space charge and band profile, I-V characteristics and Shockley approximation, quasi Fermi levels
Photovoltaic detectors
When electric fields come into play:
Perturbation of electronic states: enveloppe function approximation, Franz-Keldysh effect
Application to heterostructures: quantum wells, intersubband transitions, QWIPs
Modulators: Quantum Confined Stark effect, QCSE vs. FK, designs
Introduction to non-linear optics: coupled-wave equations, slowly-varying-amplitude approximation, second-order processes and wave-vector mismatch
Second-order non-linear optics in semiconductors: susceptibility enhancement, phase-matching schemes
Light emission in semiconductors:
Radiative recombination and photoluminescence spectrum
Light-Emitting Diodes: carrier lifetime, internal quantum yield, light extraction
Stimulated emission: absorption, optical gain and Bernard-Duraffourg inversion condition
Double-heterostructure laser: electron and photon confinement, threshold, processing
Quantum-well laser: separate confinement, interband absorption and gain in quantum wells, threshold, comparison with DH, structures
Introduction to quantum-cascade laser: unipolar scheme, active part, superlattices and injector design
From optoelectronics to photonic devices:
Distributed-feedback lasers: principle, mode coupling, DFB operation
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: principle, Bragg mirrors, cavity design, electrical injection
Introduction to photonic crystals: DBR as 1D photonic crystals, modes and band structures, 2D and 3D generalisation, application to integrated optics, analogy with electron states and limits
Application to light extraction: emission from a cavity, light extraction and refractive-index engineering
Quantum Devices: Electronics
Teachers :
Emmanuel Flurin (DR CEA Saclay, SPEC-CEA)
Philippe Lafarge (PR UPC, MPQ)
Basics of Solid State Physics : band structure, metals, semiconductors, phonons, balistic and diffusive electronic transport,…
Second quantization
Quantum transport : characteristic lenght scales, conductance quantum, Landauer formula, current noise in quantum conductors, localization, …
Electrons in magnetic field : Landau levels, integer and fractionary quantum Hall effect, edge states, …
Superconductivity : BCS theory, Josephson effect, mesoscopic superconductivity, Andreev reflexions.
Electronic transport in carbon nanotubes.
Low dimensional materials: 2D Materials
Teachers :
Yann Gallais (PR UPC, MPQ)
Jérôme Lagoute (DR CNRS, MPQ)
Since the discovery of graphene, with its remarkable transport and optical properties, the field of two-dimensional crystals has flourished and many materials can now be studied down to single atomic layers. Compared to bulk materials, two-dimensional materials provide highly adjustable platforms for new functionality, which can be the source of exotic optoelectronic phenomena. The objective of this course is to give an overview of this highly dynamic research field by providing some basic concepts of two-dimensional materials (device fabrication, electronic and optical properties) and by focusing on a selection of recent developments in the field (van der Waals heterostructures, defects engineering, transition metal dichalcogenides, topological insulators, etc.).
We will first review the physical properties of graphene with an emphasis on the properties of graphene-based devices and the ways to characterize them. We will then introduce the physics of other two-dimensional materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides and black phosphorus, which have been discovered more recently and whose optical and electrical properties differ from graphene. The course will end with an introduction to the unusual two-dimensional electronic states formed on the surface of topological insulators.
The physics of graphene and its devices
Introduction: graphene and its band structure
Transport properties of graphene devices
Optical properties and application to optoelectronic devices
Local spectroscopies and defects engineering
Graphene-based heterostructures and van der Waals engineering: concept and manufacturing
Beyond graphene: transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), black phosphorus (BP) and topological insulators (TI)
Introduction to transition metal dichalcogenides and their band structure in the 2D limit: the case of semiconductor MoS2
Degrees of freedom of spin and valley in semiconductor dichalcogenide and proximity effect
Correlated states in transition metal dichalcogenides: density wave and superconductivity
Introduction to topological isolators
Quantum Computing: algorithms and hardware
Teachers :
Frédéric Magniez (DR CNRS, IRIF)
Luca Guidoni (CR CNRS, MPQ)
Florent Baboux (MCF UPC, MPQ)
• Introduction, history
• Quantum circuits, Deutsch-Josza algorithm
• Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, Simon algorithm
• Classical cryptography, Shor algorithm
• Toward factorization, Shor algorithm
• Quantum error correction
• Hamiltonian simulation, Grover search
• Conclusion, challenges
– From transistors to quantum dots
What’s inside a computer?
From transistors to « quantum transistors“
The orthodox model of quantum dot
Tunneling from a reservoir to an island
Single-electron transistors
Quantum dots qbits
Q-bit manipulation and 2 qbit gate
Quantum dots and beyond
– Superconducting circuits
Basics of electrodynamics
Go quantum (LC quantum circuit)
The Josephson junction
Hamiltonian of the superconducting qbit
How to tune a qbit
Coupling the qbit to electromagnetic radiation
How to measure the qbit
Two qbit interaction
– Ions from quantum computing to quantum simulation
Quantum computing with ion: experimental facts
Light atom/ion interactions
Manipulation of a qbit by laser light
Manipulation of qbit-S
Collective mode
The Sorensen-Molmer gate
Quantum computing and simulation with transverse modes
– Quantum simulation with cold atoms
Nice assets of cold atoms for quantum many-body physics
How to produce « zero entropy » gases
Interactions between ground-state cold atoms
Two-qbit gate
Optical lattices and the quantum microscope approach
Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers
(Beyond gates and quantum magnetism)
Quantum Communication: ressources and protocols
Teachers :
Eleni Diamanti (DR CNRS, LIP6)
Sara Ducci (PR UPC, MPQ)
Quantum Communication constitutes one of the pillars of the field of quantum information and encapsulates a vast array of technologies that range from laboratory experiments, to real-world implementations and to commercial reality. Its applications can have a profound impact in cybersecurity and in communication practices in next-generation network infrastructures. Photonics plays a central role in this field, as it is based on techniques from classical, nonlinear and quantum optics, and light-matter interactions.
This course covers the different aspects of this rapidly evolving field: from theoretical concepts, to the development of integrated sources and detectors of quantum states of light, circuits for their manipulation, and then to major protocols such teleportation and quantum key distribution, and to their implementation within fiber and satellite-based quantum networks.
The lectures are highly interactive, with students presenting recent scientific papers during the sessions, and include a ‘live’ experimental demonstration on the generation of Bell states and their analysis.
Theoretical concept and protocol implementation
Introduction to quantum information theory concepts. Entanglement and Bell inequalities
Applications of entanglement: quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping
Theory and implementation of quantum key distribution
Quantum networks with fiber-optic and satellite links
Photonics devices for quantum communication
Photon statistics; photon antibunching (Handbury-Brown and Twiss setup).
Established technologies for single photon detection; implementation of integrated single photon sources (requirements, design and experimental evaluation of their performances)
Physical processes generating two-photon entangled states and experimental evaluation of entanglement level
Implementation of integrated sources of entangled states and quantum photonic circuits
Bell’s inequality violations and density matrix reconstruction with a Quantum Entanglement Demonstrator
Nanomagnetism and spintronics devices
Teachers :
Hanri Jaffres (PR École Polytechnique, UMR CNRS -Thales)
Pierre Seneor (PR Paris Saclay, UMR CNRS -Thales)
The ‘NanoMagnetism and Spintronics’ course targets the physics of Magnetism, of Magnetism at the nanometer scale (NanoMagnetism) and the spin-dependant transport in magnetic Nanostructures, scientific discipline designated today as Spin Electronics.
After having introduced the fundamentals of orbital and spin localized magnetism in ionic systems, the course will tackle the important notions of paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order.
An important effort will be brought on the understanding of the establishment of band-ferromagnetism of 3d transition metals taking into account atomic exchange interactions.
The second part of this course will be devoted some more actual problems of spin-dependent transport in Magnetic nanostructures (magnetic multilayers, nanowires, Magnetic tunnel junctions).
The concepts of spin-dependent conduction in the diffusive regime, spin diffusion length and spin accumulation will be clearly emphasized to explain Giant MagnetoResistance (GMR) and Tunnel Magnetoresistance (TMR) effects.
An opening will be done on the Magneto-Coulomb effects obtained with nanoparticules dispersed between ferromagnetic reservoirs and on spin transfer effects observed on metallic nanopillars and magnetic tunnel junctions.
Low dimensional materials: Nano-objets at the atomic scale
Teachers :
Damien Alloyeau (DR CNRS, MPQ)
Vincent Repain (PR UPC, MPQ)
Hakim Amara (DR ONERA)
Electronic, magnetic and optical properties down to the molecular scale:
Microscopes history and state-of-the-art optical microscopes
Diffraction principle, optical resolution
Beyond diffraction
Near field microscopy:
A brief history
General principle of working
Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope: signal to noise and resolution
Electronic properties:
Local Density of States
Quantized levels and wavefunctions mapping
Superconductivity at the nanoscale
Magnetic properties:
Local Tunnel Magneto-Resistance
Single atom magnetism, superparamagnetism and non-collinear magnetism
Optical properties:
Optical Luminescence from a nanometer scale junction
Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering
Structure-related properties of nanomaterials:
The atomic structure of nanomaterials: a key to understand and optimize their properties
Revealing the atomic structure and the electronic properties of nanomaterials with a transmission electron microscope
Image and diffraction
Phase-contrast microscopy at the atomic scale (high-resolution TEM)
Electron and X-ray spectroscopies
Plasmon mapping at the nanoscale
Studying the dynamics of nanomaterials in realistic environments:
In situ electron microscopy and X-ray scattering methods
Nucleation and growth phenomena
Life cycle of nanomaterials in biological media
Modlisation of structural and electronic properties of nanomaterials:
Different approaches at atomic scale
DFT calculations
Tight-binding formalism (diagonalization scheme, order N method, Green function, second moment approximation …)
Empirical potentials (Lennard Jones, EAM, MEAM, Brenner, Tersoff, …)
Different types of atomic calculations (static, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, energy landscape exploration methods, …)
Electronic properties of nano-objects:
Carbon nanomaterials : nanotube, graphene
Green functions formalism
Carbon nanotubes : imaging molecular orbitals
Doped Graphene : DFT vs Tight-binding
Structural properties of nano-objects:
Thermodynamic of nanoalloys (driving forces : size, surface energy, ordering tendency, …) : empirical and semi-empirical approaches
Growth mechanisms (nanorod, carbon nanotube, graphene)
Experimental projects: from clean room fabrication to device physics
Teachers :
Maria Luisa Della Rocca (MCF UPC, MPQ)
Maria Amanti (MCF UPC, MPQ)
Rémy Braive (MCF UPC, C2N)
Pascal Folloux (clean room engineer)
Roméo Bonnet (clean room engineer)
In this original course, students will get trained with experimental techniques used in nanosciences. During the first three weeks of the formation, students will realize in complete autonomy an experimental project in the field of nanosciences, on hot-topics such as electronic transport or optical properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes, molecular electronics, nanoplasmonics, photonic crystals, organic electronics, quantum transport in tunnel diodes,…
A specific nanoscience platform equipped with advanced facilities (AFM – atomic force microscopes and STM- tunneling effect microscopes, TEM – transmission electron microscope, SEM – scanning electron microscope, spectrometers, cryogenics, electronic transport measurements, etc.) will be available with free use of these instruments. All students will also be initiated to clean room techniques and activity by practicing the realization of their own device.
QuanTech Projects (3ECTS)
Teacher : on going
Internship (from March to June) (18 ECTS)
The 4-month end-of-study internship can be carried out in one of the academic or industrial laboratories supporting the Master or in other laboratories in France or abroad. The final assessment is carried out on an internship report and an oral presentation.